

Some of us embrace change, and some hide from it because it can be scary for many. Whether you are forced to change how you live because of the pandemic or changing your behavior, change can be a good thing, but it's important to remember that change doesn't just happen. There are often difficulties that make change of any kind challenging. How often have you changed something and only appreciated later that it worked out well?

When changing our behavior, we may not even recognize at first that we have a behavior that needs to be changed. It’s not uncommon to want to continue that behavior and deny that we need to change it. If you have recognized a behavior you know needs to be changed, consider the advantages and disadvantages of making the change. Will the change improve your life, or make it worse? Are there barriers to making the change? If so, think about how you can overcome them. Then there are some serious life affecting changes we can’t make on our own without professional help such as alcohol use.

Change is achieved gradually so don’t try to make a lot of changes at the same time. You may slip back into the old behavior but don’t beat yourself up. We only learn through trial and error. But when you do slip up, assess the situation and look for ways to overcome the situation when you try the new behavior again. Behavioral changes are always tough, but with good preparation and determination, they are achievable.



