So, You Don’t Like Your Family?

No, you are not going to hell, and it’s completely normal to feel this way. Our family relationships have evolved from shared experiences and proximity, and it can be challenging and painful when you don’t have a positive relationship with your family. Here are some items to ponder:

First, accept your feelings. It’s okay to feel upset, angry, or hurt. The first thing to do is recognize and acknowledge your emotions which will help you cope with the family relationship.

Secondly, you need to set boundaries. Boundaries, or the lack of boundaries, is one of the biggest issues regarding families. If your family is causing you difficulties, then it’s important to establish healthy boundaries. This can range from limiting your contact with them or setting firm rules for yourself for family interactions.

Third, focus on yourself first because you need to start by concentrating on your well-being by prioritizing activities that make you feel happy and fulfilled. This can include hobbies, personal goals, or even friendships. Many people have extended families, including friends or other people. Preferring your extended family over your biological family is a choice we can make as part of coping.

Finally, you may want to talk to someone. Sharing your feelings with a trusted friend, family member (extended or biological), or even a professional counselor can offer support and provide perspective.

Remember, you’re not alone in feeling this way even if your family tries to make you think you are a terrible person because you are not making them your priority. Lots of people all over the world experience similar challenges with their families. Seeking support and taking steps to protect your mental and emotional well-being should be your priority, and once that is established it will help you to navigate family situations.


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