Historic Time of Human History


We are living through an extraordinary period in human history. For the first time in recent history the entire world is living through a global pandemic and it will affect every single human on the planet in some way. This is not an us vs. them event. This is something everyone around the world is experiencing together at the same time.

We all will experience fear and anxiety due to the uncertainty this pandemic is causing. It is hard to keep awareness that living in a continuous state of stress can negatively affect both our physical and mental health. Although stress is nothing new to our human lives it has the potential to overtake our lives in this momentous time.

One thing we can all do is look outside our situations and see if there is anyone we can comfort or help. All of us know someone elderly who cannot go to the store to get what they need. Or you may know a person or family who is low-income and struggling. If you bought them food or did a needed errand for them, you would leave your stress behind to help reduce someone else’s stress.

In this historic time of human history, you can have less stress and worry if you reach out to others, and make sure they know you care and that you are willing to help them. During another momentous period of human history, it was Christ who told us, “Here is a simple, rule-of-thumb guide for behavior: Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them”. Grab the initiative and you will relieve your stress and feel what humanity truly means.


It’s OK not to feel OK


Make Time for Silence