Make Time for Silence


Our living environment today can be a noisy place. From electronic devices, and traffic sounds, to just listening to the talk of family, friends, and co-workers, a large part of our day is besieged with sound. While noise may be the cost of living in a modern world, being available for silence in our day can be extremely helpful.

Making yourself available for quiet time in your day is not only important for mental health benefits but physiological ones as well. Researchers have shown that the simple act of turning off some of the noise can lower blood pressure, improve our immunity, and may even improve mental function. When surrounded by non-stop noise it can leave you feeling tense and uncomfortable.

Making quiet time is easy just by taking a quiet walk with no specific purpose except to relax and unwind. We can never live in a completely silent world but finding a way of silencing some of the noise can supply genuine physical and psychological benefits.


Historic Time of Human History


Don’t Beat Yourself Up